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September 12, 2018


No matter how often you visit our beauty salon, Chic and Posh for manicure, you still have to know how to maintain your “hand care” so that the beautiful fresh look lasts longer. Even if you do your nail polish by yourself, there are actionable tips that will make your nails look well-maintained. Extending the life of a manicure is not difficult at all, it is enough to follow only a few simple rules of application and care.

1. Do not soak your nails
Why is it important: When you soak your nails, your nail plates expand. Later, when you apply a lacquer, they will dry and shrink, so the polish will crack soon.

Skip this step. Instead, use cuticle oil and remover, or ask your manicure master to do so.

2. Degrease the nail plate
Why is it important: The oil on the nails makes the polish exfoliate faster. Even if you spent 2 hours on applying your lacquer, it can be ruined the next day, if you have an oily base.

Rub the nail plate with a special alcohol-based solution. If you don’t have a special remover you can use your perfume (they often contain spirits). Afterward, do not touch your nails with your fingers, or you will have the same initial condition.

3. Avoid the Cuticles
Why is it important: Color applied on cuticles is more likely to peel away than polish applied directly to the nail.

Our manicure experts are very careful while applying nail polish on the nail plate.

4. Don’t use quick-drying lacquer when you do your nail polish by yourself
Why is it important: A lacquer that dries in a minute also peels off quickly in not applied carefully and in the right way.

No surprise: quick-dry products simply contain more solvent and therefore chip off instantly.

5. Seal the edges of your nails
Why is it important: the nail polish always begins to chip off from the end of the nail plate.

Our Chic and Posh professionals use this very basic trick that you shouldn’t forget too: when covering your nails with a top-coat, always paint over the very tip with a brush, without fear of getting your finger dirty. Apply 2 coats of foundation to the tips of your nails. They are the ones most susceptible to damage and delamination.

This measure will help make it more resistant.

6. Do not dry the varnish with a hairdryer when you do your nail polish by yourself

Why is it important: The hot air stream destroys the structure of the varnish.

Many women dry their nails with warm air for a quick result using a regular hairdryer. And that’s exactly what you don’t need to do! Because if so then do not be surprised when the manicure peels off the next day. If you really want to dry the varnish with a hairdryer, then do it only with cold air.

7. Choose a practical nail shape

Consider a practical nail shape. It should not be too long and without sharp corners. Shape your nails to match the cuticle so they are less likely to break.

8. Prepare your varnish correctly

Before use, rub the bottle of varnish between your palms instead of shaking it up and down.

In this case, you will be able to avoid the appearance of air bubbles in the varnish. It is mainly because of them that the varnish lies unevenly and loosely adheres to the nail plate.

9. Keep your hands and nails moisturized

Wash your hands with mild soap, do not use antiseptic gels – they dry your nails, and destroy the top coat of the manicure.

Apply oil or cream to your nails every day to keep them from drying out or flaking. The less hydrated your nails are, the more they are prone to decay.

10. Protect your nails from hot water and chemicals

When washing dishes, always wear gloves to protect your manicure. The fastest way to ruin a manicure is to expose it to hot water and chemicals. And if you need an excuse why you can’t wash the dishes, this is your manicure.

Before the bath, apply a little bit of oil on your nails. It will make your nails water-resistant and protect your varnish from peeling off quickly.

In today’s fast world, sometimes there is no time to refresh your manicure – following these tips, you can keep your nails neat for longer.

We hope you find these tips actionable for you.

During occasions or for daily “the best me” look, for perfect manicure, pedicure, nailcare and all beauty services, you can always count on us. Contact us to get an appointment and we’ll never let you down!